MIAMI — Sara Jay is the latest guest of the “movie-hating” podcast “Gutting the Sacred Cow,” with hosts Kevin Gootee and Kevin Israel, where she takes apart the 2008 stoner comedy “Pineapple Express.”
A rep described the program as “a show where guests pick a popular, acclaimed or classic film that is loved by the general public but deeply despised by them and break down their reasons in explicit detail.”
Jay, despite being an advocate for the legalization of marijuana and the owner of Sara Jay CBD Self-Care, the rep said, “cited ‘Pineapple Express’ as not funny — whether sober or high. She was creeped-out by Seth Rogan’s character having a girlfriend in high school and didn’t get a feel on what decade the movie was in or why people enjoy the mullet-haired actor, Danny McBride.”
Gootee teased the conclusion the hosts reach during the show.
“Sorry, stoner movie fans, you’re not safe from your genre taking shrapnel. Sara Jay is into weed but surprisingly hates ‘Pineapple Express.’ Apparently, double-penetration is less painful than watching James Franco and Seth Rogen get high. Does this award-winning porn star convince us this film is more painful than a 500-person gang-bang?”
Visit GuttingTheSacredCow.com and follow podcast on Twitter.
Find Sara Jay and Sara Jay CBD Self-Care on Twitter.