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Belgian Psychologist Punished for Directing Adult Film, ‘Indiscreet’ Social Media Posts

SAINT-JOSSE-TEN-NOODE, Belgium — Belgium’s Psychologencommissie/Commission des Psychologues, the governing body of the European kingdom’s psychology profession, suspended sex expert Kaat Bollen after deciding that her choice to direct a pornographic film, and her sharing of what they deemed “indiscreet photographs,” damaged “the dignity of their profession.”

Faced with this blatant case of stigmatizing sexual expression, last month Kaat Bollen gave up her professional license of her own volition.

According to a report by Vice, “critics are calling the decision a backwards and misogynistic move that polices Bollen for what she chooses to wear and do in her personal life, and effectively amounts to slut shaming.”

Bollen is described by Vice as “a well-known personality within the Benelux media, where she often appears to discuss issues surrounding sex and relationships.” She’s also the author of three books on sex education.

Bollen is also the director of the 2017 adult film “A Girls’ Getaway,” marketed as “porn for women,” which is available via adult streaming platforms.

An Anonymous Informer

In early 2020, Vice reports, “an unknown colleague reported her to the Belgian Commission of Psychologists, an independent organization responsible for handing out all official practicing licenses in the country.”

“In March 2020, a special disciplinary committee heard the case and ultimately decided against Bollen, resulting in an official warning.”

Bollen appealed, and almost a year later, last January, the Psychologencommissie/Commission des Psychologue has temporarily suspended her professional license.

According to excerpts of the verdict published by Belgian TV station VRT, the committee decided that Bollen’s activities as a pornographer and public figure resulted in “the dignity of their profession being affected and their image damaged.”

The adult film, Bollen’s social media activity and her ownership of an online pleasure products store were used as basis for the suspension.

Bollen reacted by surrendering her license.

Sexual and Professional

“Why is sexy and/or feminine not worthy?” Bollen wrote in response to the decision of the Commission. “And since when do we psychologists judge the dignity of others? Shouldn’t we have an open mind and encourage authenticity? Since when should we as psychologists have to be more worthy than others? Aren’t we just people trying to be there for other people? Is our strength as a psychologist not precisely in being human and the encounter between two real people?”

“If being a psychologist in 2021 means that I cannot be myself — not even in my private life, because that is what this is about! — then I would rather not be a psychologist,” she added.

The Flemish Minister of Equal Opportunities, Bart Somers, said he would intervene.

“As Minister of Equal Opportunities, I’m going to discuss this with the psychology committee next week,” he said in January. We don’t need a clothing police here.”

The attempt to shame Bollen resulted in a grassroots social media campaign, where Flemish women posted pictures of themselves — labeled “Feminine. Sensual. Sexual. Professional” — with the hashtag #IstandwithKaat.