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Rebecca Vanguard Guests on ‘Drinking Dirty in Jersey’ Tonight, Sets Live CAM4 Show

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Rebecca Vanguard has announced that she’s guesting on “Drinking Dirty in Jersey” tonight and will be doing a CAM4 live show tomorrow night.

Vanguard is returning to “Drinking Dirty in Jersey.” The live show starts at 6:30 p.m. (PST), and will appear on the show specifically at 7:45 p.m. (PST).

This episode can be found on Facebook here. A replay is set for Demon Seed Radio on February 21 at 6:30 p.m. (PST).

Additionally, Vanguard will have a live show tomorrow on CAM4.

“My fans get two nights in a row of fun events with me. I’m excited about ‘Drinking Dirty in Jersey’ tonight and my CAM4 show tomorrow night. Both are a lot of fun and a great way for my fans to spend quality time with me,” Vanguard said.

Follow Vanguard on Twitter for updates.
