WASHINGTON — In an unusually candid disclosure of their behind-the-scene activities to “eradicate all pornography,” leading U.S. anti-porn organization NCOSE (formerly known as Morality in Media) admitted yesterday in an official press statement that they have been holding “ongoing conversations with Google about search engine results.”
The well-funded, religiously-inspired group yesterday released a statement subtitled “NCOSE Urges Google to Cut Ties with Porn Industry” through their website, EndSexualExploitation.com.
As XBIZ explained in January’s in-depth “The New War on Porn” feature, the Washington, D.C.-based Morality in Media — founded in 1962 by a group of clergymen — is the most powerful and influential religious anti-porn lobby in the world. The group renamed itself “NCOSE” (National Center on Sexual Exploitation) and scrubbed most mentions of their religious background from their official literature.
Yesterday, NCOSE’s CEO Dawn Hawkins implied that Google had “changed its algorithms” based on NCOSE’s anti-porn agenda, “so that scientific terms would yield scientific drawings instead of hardcore pornography images; and it has changed some innocent search terms so that they wouldn’t result in hardcore porn links and images.”
Google, Hawkins demanded in the statement, “should stop de facto advertising for hardcore pornography sites by removing all pornography images from searches.”
To read NCOSE’s open call for Google to censor their search results based on the group’s agenda, click here.
NCOSE — alongside newer anti-porn crusading group Exodus Cry — has taken credit for the series of articles by Nicholas Kristof on the New York Times targeting Pornhub and other adult companies, and for ongoing parliamentary and congressional hearings in Canada and the U.S. looking to, as their website’s front page proclaims, “dismantle Pornhub.”