FRANCE — Jacquie & Michel have ushered “a new sparkling blonde” onto the stage with the release of their latest branded beer.
“Beer is a serious business in France. As a popular brand, as much renowned for its picturesque authentic porn as it is for its typically-French ribaldry, positioning itself on the beer market was a foregone conclusion for Jacquie & Michel,” explained a rep. “After a first brew which took its country by surprise, meeting an undisputed success, the famous adult studio launches its new French-brewed beer.”
“Solely dressed in her golden robe, the sparkling blonde is ready to hop on your table. Overflowing with a bittersweet citrus taste, she craves thirsty barley enthusiasts; her sheer, refreshing lightness makes her the perfect partner for a hot and tender night,” the rep added.
J&M Blonde Beer is currently only available in the French chain V&B; however, the company “expects another commercial hit, which will allow to push the distribution of this tantalizing beverage beyond borders,” noted the rep. “Stay tuned!”
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Les amiiiii(e)s ! ?
? C’est parti, la nouvelle bière J&M est lancée ! (Nouvelle recette, nouveau goût, moins légère que la première)
?? Vous pouvez, pour le moment, les retrouver dans votre V&B !
Venez goûter à l’orge profonde… ? pic.twitter.com/BxoGlif58E
— Jacquie et Michel (@JacquieMichelX) July 22, 2021