LOS ANGELES — The lineup for “Inside the Industry” tonight on LATalkRadio.com and Facebook Live, hosted by James Bartholet and Christy Canyon, will include Tia Cyrus, Harley Dean and “two brand-new starlets,” Bartholet said. The program will broadcast from 7-9 p.m. (PDT).
The guests will discuss new and upcoming projects, play games and distribute swag. Listeners are invited to call in during the live broadcast at (323) 203-0815.
Find the broadcast on LATalkRadio and Facebook Live. Visit InsideTheIndustry.net and follow James Bartholet and Christy Canyon on Twitter.
Direct inquiries to james@galaxypublicity.com.
“Inside the Industry” can also now be heard every Friday at 7 p.m. (CST) with replays Saturday at 3 p.m. (CST) on K97fmradio.com.