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Porn Set Horror Stories That Double as Life Lessons

In the spirit of Spooky Season Mashable asked 10 performers to share their top on-set horror stories with us. Some of their tales, presented below, are truly terrifying and downright disgusting, while others are just rather ridiculous. But most contain nuggets of wisdom that may help anyone, industry insider or civilian (sex inevitably goes off script for all of us at some point), avoid or navigate similar mishaps.

Porn Set Horror Stories That Double as Life Lessons

Kate KennedyI do standup comedy as well as porn. I got booked for a comedy show at 7 p.m. one evening, but then I also got booked for a short blowjob scene about 35 miles away, with a call time of noon. I was sure I had plenty of time to do the scene, get cleaned up, and make it to the show. But when I got to the set, I found out that the production crew was shooting multiple porn scenes that day and mine wouldn’t begin until 3 p.m. After an hour or so, I started to get antsy. I explained my situation — that I needed to leave by 5 p.m. at the latest — to the cast and crew. Luckily, another girl with an earlier scene was willing to trade spots with me, so I was able to begin my scene early, and it was going swimmingly despite the countdown clock in my head. 

Then, when we’d almost finished the scene, something went wrong: I was on my back with my head hanging off a couch while this dude pounded the absolute fuck out of my throat. He pulled out, so I thought I had time to swallow the mouthful of spit I’d accumulated, and that I was now gagging on. But as I had my tongue at the back of my throat, ready to swallow, this dude slammed his cock back into my mouth, hitting my tongue from below. Boom. Blood everywhere. 

The force had torn the frenulum that connected my tongue to the bottom of my mouth. 

We called cut, and I frantically tried to stop the bleeding, but to no avail. So, I decided to finish the scene with my tongue held down and pressed up against my teeth to keep the blood from spilling out; my scene partner came in my face instead of in my mouth. Then, I cleaned up as fast as I could and drove to the comedy show with an ice cube under my tongue. I did an entire standup set that night with a very noticeable lisp. I mostly remember trying not to spray the audience with my tongue blood. But I still got laughs, and everything ended up being fine. 

But that day, I realized I probably needed to keep my porn and comedy lives a bit more separate.

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