HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — The latest updates from TheFlourishXXX include a third third installment of the site’s “Captured” series and an orgy centering on Queen Rogue.
The third episode of “Captured” begins with Charly Summer and Margarita Lopez, in a nonsex role, being abducted by “Mr. Flourish” and his men, Anthony Pierce and Troy Francisco. “Summer stole money and needs to pay it back. Instead of giving up the money, she repays the debt by getting physical with Troy,” noted a rep.
The cast spoke highly of their experience filming the scene.
“It was a fantastic shoot,” Francisco said. “Looking forward to shooting with them again soon.”
Lopez echoed his enthusiasm. “This was my first professional shoot technically; the scene was insane in a creative way,” she said. “It helped prepare me for the next two shoots with TheFlourishXXX. I am so grateful. Troy and Charly were amazing.”
A trailer and additional details can be found at TheFlourishXXX.com.
The week’s second release is an orgy headlined by Queen Rogue and featuring Jewel Rancid.
“When it’s a Queen Rogue party, you know it will have a lot of energy and excitement; that’s what I bring to the table,” she said. “I drain balls and can handle all. This was the first orgy [where] I didn’t have to worry; TheFlourishXXX took care of everything; [they’re] very professional and that’s why I like working with them.”
Click here for a preview and additional information.
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