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Lonestar Angel Named Final ‘VNALive Girl’ for 2021

Lonestar Angel Named Final 'VNALive Girl' for 2021

LOS ANGELES — “Texas MILF” Lonestar Angel returned to the top of the “VNALive Girl” leaderboard for December 2021 as voted by fans of Vicky Vette’s It is her third appearance in the winner’s circle in 2021, after claiming the top spot four times in 2020.

Second-place honors in December went to Hot Wife Rio, with Shanda Fay finishing third.

“2022 is off to a great start. I had a great holiday season with family, friends and of course, fans. It’s awesome to find out the voting news to kick-off the year,” Angel said. “A lot of fans are stuck inside this time of year because of the weather and the pandemic, of course. If you are bored, lonely, horny or just want to chat, come to one of my shows.”

Vette launched the mobile-friendly VNALive in 2012 as a platform for performers to add live shows to their membership site benefits package. The winner of top VNALive performer receives a $250 cash prize. The second-place winner receives $150, and $100 goes to the third-place recipient.

Vette added, “We will mark the 10th anniversary of VNALive this coming October. I am genuinely grateful to the girls who put in their time and effort for the fans and members. Ten years and now over 18,300 shows, all of which are archived and available to watch.”

Click here for a listing of prior VNALive winners.

Follow Lonestar Angel online and on Twitter.

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