LOS ANGELES — xHamster’s FapHouse.com has added creator referral bonuses to its suite of features.
“Creators that refer other models will get a bonus of 5% of that model’s earnings for a full year,” a rep said. “The best part is that the model who was referred by the creator will still get 100% of their earnings. To get into this program, creators must complete registration for the FapHouse Creator Program. The best part is that FapHouse will make the bonus payout of up $50,000 per model with no limitation on the number of models they refer.”
A second method of earning a referral bonus is bringing new customers to the FapHouse platform. “Creators will receive 5% of the money that new users spend, regardless of what content they purchase,” noted the rep.
Creators additionally have the option of selling content through a view-share program, by the scene on a PPV basis or by monthly subscription.
Click here to register for the FapHouse Creator Program; follow FapHouse on Twitter and Discord.