PHILADELPHIA — Fangear.vip will officially kick off “2023 calendar season” this Wednesday, with the promise of “bigger sales, high profits and more exposure than ever before.”
“We have made arrangements to guarantee every Fangear model a calendar spot, plus an additional 25 spots for non-Fangear models,” a rep said.
For 2023, the company is offering two premium-quality calendars. The first option is a 12-by-12-inch premium square calendar featuring a 100-pound matte cover stock and an 80-pound gloss interior stock. Photos will be cropped square, and there is a full-size centerfold between the months of June and July.
Fangear is additionally offering a 12-by-18-inch “VIP Playboy-style calendar with full vertical images,” noted the rep. “This super-high-end spiral-bound calendar also features 100-pound matte cover stock throughout.”
Nudity is not permitted on calendar covers, but is allowed on interior pages.
Click here for additional details and to place an order to guarantee a production spot; photos will be due no later than Sept. 20.
“In the unlikely event that you cannot follow through with your calendar order, you will be fully refunded, minus a minimal processing fee,” the rep said. “Need financial assistance? We might be able to help finance your calendar.”
For additional questions or concerns, contact sales@gfemodelservices.com.
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