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Jessica Starling Is a ‘Hustler Honey’ for November

LOS ANGELES — Hustler’s November issue is available today on newsstands and in digital format.

Jessica Starling has been named a “Hustler Honey.”

Starling has a multi-page pictorial, “Star Light, Star Bright,” which contains a gallery of 20 photos shot by Steven Andres. There is also an interview in which Starling talks about her hometown, measurements, favorite positions, what she was like growing up, being introverted and more.

“I’ve always dreamed of being a Hustler Honey, and now it’s a reality. 2022 has been such an incredible year for me, and this is the perfect way to end it. If you buy a printed copy of the magazine and bring it to any tradeshow I’m at, I’ll sign it for free,” Starling said.

More about Starling’s Hustler feature can be found here.

Follow Jessica Starling on Twitter and find her social media links here.
