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Eldorado, Segpay Team Up to Fund FSC Online Legislative Action Center

Eldorado, Segpay Team Up to Fund FSC Online Legislative Action Center

LOS ANGELES — Eldorado Trading and Segpay are teaming up with the Free Speech Coalition to launch a legislative Action Center, which will track federal and state legislation pertinent to the adult industry.

The site will utilize “best-in-class bill tracking and analysis software” and will be available to all members of the industry, said a rep.

“At a time when our industry is under increasing attack, the FSC Action Center will allow us to identify, monitor and fight legislation that threatens our rights and our businesses,” said FSC Executive Director Alison Boden. “Through their support, Eldorado, Segpay and our other sponsors are providing an incredible tool for the industry.”

Doc Johnson, Grooby, PervOut and Polari Media are also on board as Grassroots Sponsors.

“We’re proud to support this important and ambitious effort to protect our industry,” said Eldorado CEO Wanda Garland. “If we’re going to successfully fight the discrimination and censorship our industry faces, we need to be as aware and equipped as our opponents. I hope others in the industry will join us in funding this effort.”

Legislative issues that the site will track include banking discrimination, pleasure product restrictions, age verification, attacks on Section 230 protection, device filter mandates and sex workers’ rights, among other issues.

“The Action Center will allow us to respond quickly and effectively, and provide tools to our members to take action themselves,” Boden continued. “We’ve seen an unprecedented number of anti-adult bills introduced in the past year, and we expect it to only increase with the new Congress. We ask everyone in our industry who is concerned about the growing attack on our rights to help sponsor the Action Center and our increasing legislative work.”

For more information, visit FSC online.
