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Des Irez, Ashton Silvers Star in Latest From Next Door Studios

Des Irez, Ashton Silvers Star in Latest From Next Door Studios

LOS ANGELES — Dez Irez and Ashton Silvers star alongside Trevor Brooks in the latest release from Next Door Studios, “Loser Has To Bottom.”

“Bored and feeling randy, our sexy trio play a game to determine who will bottom,” said a rep. “But when the game ends in a three way tie the fellas find a unique solution; one that no one will soon forget.”

Irez enthused about his co-stars.

“Being with the two of them on set was a ton of fun,” he said. “They both brought great energy which made filming super easy. We all fed off of each other’s energy and the crew made us all feel really comfortable and at home so everything went smoothly.”

Executive Producer Jeremy Babcock also praised the cast. 

“What a clever concept, written by Dalton King, and brought to life by three of our favorite up and coming models,” he said. “When you’ve got three ‘Verse Tops,’ why not make that the story? There’s a lot to love in this fun threeway.”

The scene is streaming on NextDoorStudios.

Follow Irez and Silvers on Twitter.
