CANADA — The quarterly magazine Granfalloon: A Speculative Fiction and Poetry Zine has announced a call for writers to submit erotic-based speculative work for their Summer 2022 issue.
“From Lovecraft’s Cthulhu to Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ to the Golden Age of science fiction fantasy with authors like Philip José Farmer and Theodore Sturgeon, to Captain Kirk’s green concubine in ‘Star Trek,’ and all the way up to the present with new generations of writers, the erotic as a theme and aesthetic has played a key role in speculative fiction/sci-fi,” said editor-in-chief Albert Mamet.
“We decided to dedicate a special issue exploring the erotic in speculative fiction, the idea emerging from discussions with some of our contributors who write erotic sci-fi. To accomplish this goal, we’ve brought on a guest editor with roots both in the erotic and science fiction writing communities and teamed up with an illustrator, Joe Swarctz, who’ll be providing the cover art and be featured as a contributing artist,” added Mamet.
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