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Nikki Delano Returns to NYC’s Sapphire 60 on Saturday Night

NEW YORK — Nikki Delano will return to New York’s Sapphire 60 for a special midnight show on Saturday.

“Her East Coast fans and club patrons can see her hit the stage, meet the superstar, snap a selfie with her, buy exclusive merch, and get the ultimate ‘Nikki Delano experience’ by purchasing a VIP lap dance,” a rep said. “She will also have both of her Fleshlights, Fantastico and Fuego, for sale and will autograph them.”

Delano enthused about returning to Sapphire 60.

“I love hitting their main stage. It’s always a great night, and it sells out fast,” she said. “I’m excited to be back in my hometown, and I can’t wait to see my East Coast fans. So make sure to make a reservation, go VIP or get there early to guarantee you get in and have the best seats in the house.”

Click here for additional details and follow Sapphire 60 on Twitter.

The Lee Network represents Nikki Delano for feature dancing engagements; follow her on Twitter and access her premium social media links here.
