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X-Play Lauds September Reign’s Performance in ‘Love, Sex & Music’

X-Play Lauds September Reign's Performance in 'Love, Sex & Music'

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Will Ryder and Scott David of X-Play are lauding September Reign’s performance in their feature, “Love, Sex & Music,” for Adam & Eve.

Naming Reign their “Actress of the Year,” the director/producer team enthused about Reign.

“Show me a better performance this year,” Ryder said.

“To be honest, I wasn’t sure what I was going to get with September,” he continued. “She had a long resume’ of work, but placing an entire feature movie in her hands took a leap of faith on our part and also from Adam & Eve. You have to understand, that if September is not believable in the role of Dixie, the movie dies instantly. It’s that simple.”

Reign praised the role.

“I’ve had some nice roles in the past but ‘Dixie’, the character I play, had some real depth to her, she was a real person with an impossible battle on her hands,” she said. 

“Love, Sex & Music” is streaming on Adam & Eve Plus.

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