DOHA, Qatar — Days before the start of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the U.K.’s Foreign Office and state departments around the world are reminding traveling soccer fans about the country’s strict morality laws, including a blanket ban on sex toys.
“The thousands of English and Welsh football fans heading to the Qatar World Cup this month have been warned to be careful what they put in their suitcases due to the plethora of contraband items that could land them fines, in a jail cell or deported back to Britain,” the Daily Mail reported today.
The Foreign Office urged Britons to “respect local traditions and customs” by refraining from alcohol, public displays of affection, anything Qatar considers obscene or pornographic — and all pleasure products for personal or couples’ use.
“Importing any pornography and sex toys, pork products and religious books into Qatar is also illegal with all luggage scanned at Hamad International Airport Arrivals Hall and contraband seized,” the Daily Mail noted.
Swearing and “making rude gestures,” the paper continued, “are considered obscene acts and offenders can be jailed and/or deported. Take particular care when dealing with the police and other officials.”
Vistors are also mandated to “dress modestly when in public, including while driving. Women must cover their shoulders and avoid wearing short skirts. Both men and women are advised not to wear shorts or sleeveless tops, when going to government buildings, health care facilities or malls. If you do not dress modestly, you may be asked to leave or be denied entry to these locations.”
All sex outside of marriage, “regardless of whether this is same sex couples or opposite sex couples, is illegal. This can lead to arrest and a potential court case where the judgement can include a fine, a custodial sentence and deportation once the sentence is complete.”
All LGBTQ “behavior” is also considered illegal in Qatar.
Pondering the country’s draconian morality laws, one Redditor tried to look on the bright side, commenting, “Everything is a sex toy if you’re brave enough.”