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Surface Highlights ‘Pleasure Jewelry’ Trend

Surface Highlights 'Pleasure Jewelry' Trend

NEW YORK — Surface Magazine profiled today several fashion designers currently producing “a new wave of pleasure jewelry,” high-end pieces which double as luxe sex toys.

“Fashion has always been about sex,” stated Surface’s Jesse Dorris. “From codpieces to push-up bras, high heels to hanky codes, what you wear often telegraphs what you want to do when it all comes off. These days, it can even get you off. Jewelry and accessory makers are hard at work blurring the lines between fashion, fetish object and functioning sex toys — and options are flooding the market.”

The Surface piece features prestigious designers and brands like Ti Chang, Leo Herrera, Fleur du Mal, Le Wand, Bijoux Indiscrets and Frank Ocean’s Homer.

“Jewelry can enable the wearer to feel beautiful, respected, and honored, a feeling that is rarely experienced in pleasure products,” Chang — an artist-designer formally trained in industrial design at the Royal College of Art in London and the Georgia Institute of Technology, who created the Vesper in 2014 — told Surface. “The functionality of a vibrator had to be balanced with the wearability of a necklace pendant. I didn’t want to compromise.”

Chang’s crowdfunded Vesper, Surface noted, “wasn’t just a vibrator, though it certainly did that job; with its coy chain and delicate sheath of silver or rose gold, it was a necklace chic enough to wear almost anywhere.”

Chang’s company, Crave, has recently debuted the Vesper 2, endorsed by tastemakers like Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop and Madonna. “I was inspired by the experience of adornments and how it makes the wearer feel,” Chang told Surface. “I’m just getting started.” 

To read “These Fashion Designers Want to Get You Off,” visit

Main Image: Vesper 2 vibrating necklace by Ti Chang (Photo: Crave)
