LAS VEGAS — Caitlin Bell was the most recent guest on the “Your Worst Friend” podcast, hosted by Shane and Matt.
“You see a bombshell like Caitlin Bell, and your first ignorant thought is that if I had looks like that, I’d never have to work again,” said Matt. “In our interview with Caitlin, for the fourth season of ‘Your Worst Friend: Going Deeper,’ we learned that couldn’t be further from the truth. Caitlin took us through her journey of sexual and financial liberation, from her beginnings as a trophy wife to building her own brand, scene by scene, post by post, with a detailed roadmap in mind.”
Bell enthused about the appearance.
“Working with the ‘Your Worst Friend’ podcast was something that I really needed,” she said. “I feel a lot of times some of us are afraid to really tell our true story and how we got into the industry and why. Trust me, there were many phases, many names and many experiences I had to go through to finally find myself.”
Watch the interview on YouTube.
Follow Caitlin Bell and “Your Worst Friend” on Twitter.