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Audiodesires to Guest-Moderate Tomorrow’s #SexTalkTuesday

Audiodesires to Guest-Moderate Tomorrow's #SexTalkTuesday

LOS ANGELES — #SexTalkTuesday has announced that Audiodesires, described as “an erotic audio platform for women and couples, creating sexy audio stories with immersive sound effects, passionate voice actors and world-class production,” will serve as guest moderator for tomorrow’s edition of the Twitter-based chat show from 5-6 p.m. (PDT) to discuss audio porn and “other erotic aural experiences.”

“Porn has been given a bad name,” a rep explained. “We created Audiodesires to change that. Most visual porn is often geared towards men, with unrealistic ideals for women and couples in particular. Audiodesires was founded by a couple who wanted to find porn they both could enjoy, with a mission to create erotic audio stories that are body-positive, kink-friendly and, most importantly, realistic and relatable.”

“Since the launch of the platform in April 2020, our company has grown to include a team of world-class writers, voice actors, sound designers and producers from around the globe,” the rep continued. “Most importantly, we have created a safe space for our community to consume erotic audio content that lets them tap into their deepest desires without any shame or guilt.”

“In June 2021, more than 231,835 users from 228 countries, spanning all continents, age groups, and genders listened to our stories more than 727,539 times!” the rep enumerated. “Porn doesn’t have to be a touchy topic in your relationship or something you hide away in incognito tabs and secret folders — it can be used as a tool to help you better understand your desires and learn how to communicate those desires to your partner for a more fulfilling sex life”

“We are so honored to have Audiodesires guest-moderate this week,” said Angie Rowntree, owner of and producer of #SexTalkTuesday. “Not only is Audiodesires a kindred spirit in sex-positivity, but also since I founded Sssh in 1999, we’ve always included erotic audio content alongside our films. As such, ‘aural pleasure’ is already quite near and dear to our hearts. We hope that #SexTalkTuesday fans will enjoy hearing what Audiodesires has to say — and maybe be inspired to go beyond their regularly scheduled dirty talk.”

To take part in tomorrow’s chat, follow the #SexTalkTuesday hashtag. Visit the show online and on Twitter for the latest updates.

Follow Audiodesires on Twitter.

Find on Twitter and and direct inquiries to Rowntree at
