Skip to content to Present ‘BDSM Faves!’ Virtual Screening to Present 'BDSM Faves!' Virtual Screening

SAN FRANCISCO — The next event in the “ Live Presents” virtual screening series is “BDSM Faves!” featuring “an international ensemble of celebrated female adult filmmakers” on Thursday, July 29, at 5 p.m. (PDT).

The event will be hosted by creator and curator Shine Louise Houston with Ajaporn as they “watch a specially curated collection of short adult films in real time, and engage via the site’s text chat feed as they provide color commentary,” noted a rep.

Filmmakers in the spotlight include Maria Beatty (“The Black Glove,” 1996), Goodyn Green (“Breathe,” 2016), Morgana Muses (“It’s My Party and I’ll Fly if I Want To,” 2014); Jo Pollux (“Trimming the Wick,” 2018) and Gala Vanting (“Amber,” 2012, co-directed with Frank Ly for Sensate Films).

The event is free to PinkLabel+ members; non-members may purchase a Film Pass for $7 (plus fees). The screenings are in English and open to those aged 18 and older; audio descriptions and closed captioning are not currently available.

Visit for additional program details.

Follow Shine Louise HoustonPink and White and on Twitter for the latest updates.

Upcoming “ Live Presents” programming includes “Butch Voices XXX” (August 5), “BIPOC Porn” (August 19), “Jennifer Lyon Bell” (September 16) and “Fatale Media in Focus” (September 30).
