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Joanna Angel to Host Revamped Fleshbot Awards

Joanna Angel to Host Revamped Fleshbot Awards

LOS ANGELES — Joanna Angel has been announced as the host of the “reformatted, revised and reinvigorated” Fleshbot Awards, which will take place online in the coming months.

“The Fleshbot Awards is Fleshbot’s fan-voted online awards show, with voting participation by millions of porn fans from around the globe each year. The show will be back this year with a brand new format that fans will enjoy even more than they have in the past. This will surely be a must-attend event with experienced host Joanna at the helm,” noted a rep.

The pre-noms process will begin in early September for new awards categories as well as “the usual fan-favorites.” 

“The nominations will be published on the also-revamped and more user-friendly Fleshbot fan voting site,” the rep explained.

“Joanna is an absolute porn icon who is much beloved and masturbated to by Fleshbot readers,” Fleshbot Channel Manager Holly Kingstown said. “It is a true honor to have her host what will be a very revamped awards show. The 2021 Fleshbot Awards are truly going to be something that the fans are going to adore.”

Angel enthused about the exclusive hosting gig.

“Over the past 700 years, my career in the adult industry has taken a lot of different twists and turns. However, no matter what I’ve done and where I’ve gone on this journey, Fleshbot has been there to support me since the very beginning of my career — they still are today,” she said.

“I’m so excited to be part of this awards show,” she added. “It’s going to be incredible.”

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